But during the Spring and Summer months...more dirt gets tracked into your house than all year long. Kids running in and out. Hubby running in and out. Home rennovations. Birthday parties. Flies. Ants.
Get my drift?
So since school has officially started and September is right around the is time for Fall Cleaning!
To me...August should be the New Year. Like those little MiniWheats cereal on that commercial where they are all excited about the New School Year.
I am so with them.
seems like everything starts off when school starts back..
your routines, cleaning, supper scheduled, menu plans, football, after school stuff, .....etc.
We all start new when school let's give our houses a good start to the school year!
Plus with a clean house...that means that we can get organized...which makes for easier mornings for you and the kids.
So ready?
Here is my Fall Cleaning Doozy List! I can't say that I made this up on my own...well I could..but that would be a lie...I am in a cleaning group called Fluttering Flybabies on CafeMom and they posted this list. I love that group because all the girls in that group will do this list...and we will all get through it together.
They have to keep me on track...but eventually we all get it done!!
Out and About
Time to come inside for winter! Outside the house, tend to these autumn chores:
•Clean and store patio furniture, umbrellas, children's summer toys. This wont be hard...we don't have any ..woohoo!!
•Touch up paint on trim, railings and decks. Use a wire brush to remove flaking paint; prime bare wood first. This is something that needs to be done..but it sounds like a job for the hubby!
•Check caulk around windows and doors. Follow manufacturer's recommendations to re-caulk if needed.
•Inspect external doors and garage doors. Do they close tightly? Install weather-stripping, door thresholds if needed.
or get one of the cute little things to put down at the bottom of your door!
•Wash exterior windows.
•Drain and store garden hoses. Install insulating covers on exterior spigots. In hard-freeze areas, have sprinkler systems blown free of water.
•Check gutters and downspouts. Clear of debris if necessary. In cold-weather areas, consider installing heating cable to prevent ice dams.
•Have chimneys and flues inspected and cleaned if necessary.
The Inside Story
Autumn's the time for "spring cleaning". Deep clean now to take advantage of good weather. Face the coming of winter and the approaching holidays with a clean and comfortable home.
FlyLady's Detail Cleaning Lists would be good for this...I do encourage that you declutter each space before you go into detail cleaning...that way there is less to walk around..less to dust...less is best! No Clutter.
•Focus on public rooms: living room, family room, entryway, guest bath.
•Clean from top to bottom. Vacuum drapes and window treatments. Clean window sills and window wells. Vacuum baseboards andcorners.
•Vacuum upholstered furniture, or have professionally cleaned if needed. Move furniture and vacuum beneath and behind it.
•Wash interior windows.
•Turn mattresses front-to-back and end-to-end to equalize wear.
•Launder or clean all bedding: mattress pads, pillows, duvets, blankets, comforters. Tuck the family into a warm and cozy winter bed.
•Schedule professional carpet cleaning early this month! Warm October afternoons speed carpet drying. Carpet cleaning firms get busy by the end of October, so schedule now for best service.
•Prepare the kitchen for holiday cooking. Clean and organized kitchen cabinets, paying particular attention to baking supplies, pans and equipment.
•Clear kitchen counters of all appliances not used within the last week. Clear counters look cleaner--and provide more room for holiday cooking.
•Pull refrigerator away from the wall, and vacuum the condenser coils. For bottom-mounted coils, use a long, narrow brush to clean coils of dust and debris. check filter on ice maker!
•Wash light-diffusing bowls from light fixtures.
•Inspect each appliance. Does it need supplies? Stock up on softener salt now, and avoid staggering over icy sidewalks with heavy bags.
•Check and empty the central central heat and air collection area. just had to get a new at least i know that is clean!
•Clean or replace humidifier elements before the heating season begins.
•Inspect washer hoses for bulges, cracks or splits. Replace them every other year.
•Check dryer exhaust tube and vent for built-up lint, debris or birds' nests! Make sure the exterior vent door closes tightly when not in use.
•Schedule fall furnace inspections now. Don't wait for the first cold night!
•Buy a winter's supply of furnace filters. Change filters monthly for maximum energy savings and indoor comfort. When the right filter is on hand, it's an easy job!
•Drain sediment from hot water heaters.
- bring in some wood for fireplace..just to be ready! Fall Doozy List!
Wish me Luck!