Saturday, October 2, 2010

Halloween already?

Written by: *Nikki* at 11:02 PM

Lyla and I went out today and visited family that we don't get around to see very often. I love visiting family. You get to get out of the house..but still can be yourself..and of course Lyla always puts on a show! Plus you get to hear drama...good drama! :)

But as I was driving around..I seen everyone already had up Halloween decorations outside!
I don't!
Am I late?
I got get going!!!

so i am off to blog hop around to find Halloween decor and get his ball rolling...
I also got to start BOOing people...Halloween is coming faster than I thought!!!



4 wonderful opinions!:

Cathy on October 3, 2010 at 7:52 PM said...

I have no Halloween decorations up yet. Oh, well. There's still time. I'm a new follower from the blog hop. What a cute blog you've got here! I hope you'll come on over and follow me too! on October 3, 2010 at 11:22 PM said...

I haven't got halloween decor up yet either... We usually just do something simple - and this year I may scale back even further because I'm due soon... following you from the SITS forum

Anonymous said...

This morning when I left the building I live in I saw the halloween decoration on the steps... I was totally suprised :D a few days ago I just realized that fall started and now it's already time for Halloween... time for shopping wohooo :)

Karen on October 4, 2010 at 9:10 PM said...

We are looking forward to Halloween here too, especially (of course), the kidlets. Me, I just love fall...the pumpkins, the air, the leaves, the colors, the warm cuppas, and oh so much more! Thanks for stopping by tonight, I love seeing new faces! :>

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