Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday Song of the Week

Written by: *Nikki* at 9:00 AM

ok..i am going to admit it right now..

i am a donkey!

there it is is out!

I will write later how I became a donkey...

but for right now..while husband and baby girl is watching Mickey Mouse...I have a few minutes to post my Saturday Song of the week.

My fellow donkey..yes I have fellow donkeys...
Le Cirque de Moi is starting her own meme...posting different songs that you like on Saturday..and I love music...I believe music can get you through alot of things..I think music is very can help a child can do many things..our world would be boring without i am excited to post a different song that fits my mood every Saturday!!

This Saturday is "Love the way you Lie"
it is kinda vulgar take caution watching the video

but with this month being Stop Domestic Violence Month...i think it would be appropriate

***please note that i don't condone..the language or any kind of act in this music video

2 wonderful opinions!:

Lin on October 9, 2010 at 11:25 AM said...

Fellow Donkey here! I love that you posted that video, it fits perfectly into the stop Domestic Violence month category.

Normally I'm a fan of Eminem but this song is eh...maybe it's just because I'm not a fan of Rihanna's lol. Have a great weekend!

Lisa on October 10, 2010 at 12:10 PM said...

Another donkey here! Finally getting around to all the blogs (hopefully!), and yours is so cute! (I love Halloween!!) Next week I may have to check out that meme, I'm all about some music!

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