Thursday Thunks: It's a holiday, people!
The TT questions are brought to you by Berleen, the color of Pacific Ocean and the number that comes after 393.
So yeah, it's a holiday weekend. 4th of July... Independence Day... whatever you want to call it. What are you doing on July 5th?
going to work
Have you ever known anyone who has been kidnapped?
my sister in law swears she was...the world is a scary place now a days if you don't have God
Does wiping with newspaper make you a smartass?
no it makes you a gossiper..because that is all the paper seems to be anymore
If someone sends you - or you stumble upon a link that will show you celebrity death photos, do you click the link?
no..that is yuck..and dissrespectful
Do you decorate your computer/laptop?
how would you decorate your stickers? absolutely not!
You see Bud and his lady out walking in a park... suddenly she stops and kicks him square in the ass. What did he say to her?
I would think he called her the "B" word
There is a cockroach, a tarantula and a mouse in the room - which one do you kill first?
tarantula...those things are gross..
I have got a mouse will catch that
and if you have a have thousands use in killing that one
Did you know that a hay bale can start on fire by itself? Do you know how?
yes i do step dad has cows...if it is wet when you store it in the barn the hay will spontaneously combust. There is a scentific reason of why..something about anerobic respriation...don't cut hay when it is wet....I warned you!
Kimber calls you - what is her voice like?
Have you ever played Battleship?
yes..loved it!
Days of our Lives paid tribute to Francis Reid/Alice Horton this week (Francis, the actress, died in February, Alice (the character) died last week). She was 91 years old and was protrayed as a smart, witty, funny, loving, always gave the best advice type woman. Wonderful mother, grandmother, friend... many characters (and cast members) commented on how they strive to be the type of woman she was. Is there someone in your life that you strive to be like?
my pastor's wife..she has her hand in everything...she is crafty..she paints...she cooks...she is thrifty...she has an awesome walk with God...very inspiring.
Do you attend parades?
i am the festive one of our yes
If Berleen were to purchase three 10-gallon tubs of the peanut butter that they use at Dairy Queens, would you think any less of her?
no i would ask her if i could buy one off of her
If all the flowers but one kind withered and died, never to grow again, but that one kind of flower would grow worldwide forever, what would you want the surviving flower to be?
a daisy..they are so simple...innocent and joyful
Duets By Jordan Saez + GIVE AWAY
4 days ago
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