1. How long does it take to plug a pipe that is spewing oil? And seriously...Hay is going to do the trick! A big YEE HAW for southerners!! You city folk mess things up ...us Southerners will come and fix it!
2. Who is the Tea Party? And what are they doing?
3. If everyone just wears one set of clothing a day ..why at the end of the week do I have 12 loads of laundry to do?
4. I really need to make time for me and my hobbies...I am starting to lose sight of myself.
5. I need to realize that I am no longer a teacher of four year olds...I am a teacher of two year olds..and they DO NOT KNOW how to be quiet...so just go with the flow.
6. How sick is it of whoever sold the photos of Gary Coleman on his death bed? That is just disgraceful and I hop you repent...soon!
7. Gregg and I need "us" time...don't be dirty...we really need quality talk time together..so we are planning on an anniversary trip just the two of us...with little one staying at my mom's.
8. I need a digi camera.
9. What do I want to decorate the kitchen in..and our master bedroom in?
10. I want a new sewing machine..but I am going to bring down my old one and start sewing...I wanna be supercrafty!!!
Duets By Jordan Saez + GIVE AWAY
4 days ago
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