Monday, October 18, 2010

Multitude Monday

Written by: *Nikki* at 10:47 PM
Holy Experience by Ann Voksamp is one of the most timeless...peaceful...and simple blogs i have read in a long time!
i love it!
She gives such inspiring words ...comforting words...words that make you stop what your doing and take a good look into your own house...

today she did just that to me..

having a two year old isn't easy...for anyone..
everytime i tell anyone i have a two year old..the response is always "Oh..I remember those days"...or something similar.

I know exactly what they are talking about...but Ann encourages you today in her blog post to take those "oh" moments and thank God for them!

Some pretty precious moments happen during those 3am feedings when it is just you and computer...just a soft light...a singing momma..and a cooing baby!

how precious! what a precious!...that God has chosen you to have!

For my multitude Monday i want to start off with thanking God for:
those quiet times with Lyla
the exciting firsts of everything
a comfy rocking chair that we still use today to rock to sleep and sing
a soft lamp light
nature sounds
antique shops for mother and daughter bonding time
moms and dads (even stepdads)
working men that love
wood floors to hear the pitter patter of little feet


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