So I have been reading and studying on what a wife's duties are and what I should be doing.
Gregg and I have been having some communication problems...with added stress...calls for a no good situation and here lately we have not been happy.
And I know that all of this is not all Gregg's fault because I have seen with my own eyes that when I am having a bad day and I take it out of breaks him. It breaks his spirit..his confindence..and he ends up having a bad day ..which again..does not = a good marriage.
So from here on out I am making a conscious decision to encourage my edify lift him up and thank him and appreciate him for being him!!!
I do love him..with all my heart! He is a great man and a wonderful father. He would do anything he could for his family. He takes care of us and provides for us...and even works over time to so that we can plan big family trips! He is what I have dreamed of...and I need to remember that.
Sometimes when day to day stuff occurs and minor details get in the way ...I forget to step back and realize that I am living my dream...I have a great husband and a great daughter...two dogs...our own house...a fenced yard...what more could I want...(well a new car would be nice) but anyway....I have a LOT to be thankful for and I don't want to take any of this for granted...
Duets By Jordan Saez + GIVE AWAY
4 days ago
2 wonderful opinions!:
"So from here on out I am making a conscious decision to encourage my edify lift him up and thank him and appreciate him for being him!!!"
So great, I love that. Oh, if us women would be better reminders to each other to do this very thing! It is so easy to dwell on what we think is lacking our husbands. Thank you so much for taking a stand and being authentic and spurring us on with your words!
Thank you..I really appreciate that!
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